Sunday, October 3, 2010

How the fuck can rahul.....say that to me...who is tell me what to do..and what not 2???

i know there was certian..elements creeping up..but now its going to go....i dont need this right now....i have better things to do...and getting this defnitaly going to complicate this....and last thing is this.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

vishy suspected of not being indian.

Hrd misintry has suspected his citizenship, since most of the time he is based in spain. Are they justified in doing so?????...probably, consideraing there have b een sportsmen and scientist have changed there citizen ship... was it appropraite how it acually came into light and made a whole issue???? they should have done it quietly in the backgorunf w/o actully vishy having to know about it...We have to respect people who have achived global excellence as mentioned by kapil sibal.could be handled re appropiatly....but haveing done that kapil sibal has handled it pretty well having called him up personally andrequested him to take it.......however as the indiatime was an "embarassment" indeed.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Breaking the barrier

I am slowly and brick by birck or may be even inch by inch breaking the barriers whihc need to be broken for things to get rolling. Thaings may work out or it may not but atleast 20 years down the line i wont be saying that i didnt try hard.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thoughts of marriage and girlfriends and all floating inside my head....they are taking a lot of my cerebral space. i accept it...and now want that its place is taken by something better something which is will be more benefical...and ye. it will happen when it will..and i am better for it. Agnes has proven that i am better for it...and its just a matter of time when things staart to roll for me......till then BREATHHHH!!!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tour de life

So now what was it that i dis this weekend.....friday was a as usal a relaxed night,however i still maintained my routine of Jog and the Gym ( even on saturday). Saturday morning again was a lazing around watching freinds along with some porn,( basicallylazing around).Again i avoided my being forced into any stuff didnt go for the drink on saturday, sunday was a good day to actully bowl good..though could play a bit better on my batting,, then slept and slept a bit more, went for a drink was good high.
and now i cant rememanything worthwile abt the weekend .NOT good!!!!

Evry activity at it core has a purose a basic thought

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


need some rythm need some ryhme ...need to get on a roll!!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


"If a work is to be really good there must be one fundamental idea in it which one must which one must love."-
leo tolstoy........hmmm someting to ponder

Sunday, May 9, 2010

it s about honesty and hardwork.and radha uncle and aunty wxample of it.from nothing theuy have come to construct a fab house. HONesty and hardwork.

the reason

i hope to use this blog to be honest about my thoughts and a primer to get my thouhts and prespectives right and consequently my life. So lets see how it goes

the start

SRK!!! a major iconic figure and someone who i try top imagine and analyzes how he would have reacted in situations which i again imagine that he faced to reach where he has. Now a days i have this images wher he is in this room lie down and reading books wch gives him the stimulus or the knowledge to to go and reach where he has. ok its out now. over and out . feels good